A Hidden Goldmine: Leveraging Smart Home Tech Bundles to Outsell the Competition

by Chance Dorsey

New Home Sales Expert Helping Homebuilders Grow Sales With Sales Solve Everything’s Proven Process

July 26, 2024

 “We are striking it big in the electric light, better than my vivid imagination first conceived. Where this thing is going to stop, Lord only knows.” ~ Thomas Edison, 1879

If Edison were alive today, can you imagine what he might say about the gadgets available to home buyers now?

From popular devices like smart voice and speaker assistants, security systems and thermostats, to some of the more exotic tech, such as biometric authentication and robotic mops, the range of helpful features many of today’s new home buyers can literally have at their fingertips might amaze even Edison.

In today’s competitive new-built home market, as sales professionals, we’re constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to differentiate our product in order to attract new buyers.

An often overlooked yet highly effective strategy is to integrate smart home technology into bundles that offer unique and compelling value. By leveraging the growing interest in smart home features today, we’re able to create a competitive value proposition that not only meets but exceeds buyer expectations. This hidden goldmine can help you outsell the competition and build long-term relationships with satisfied homeowners.

What’s Turning On Today’s New Home Buyer

Smart home technology has rapidly evolved from a luxury to a near necessity in the minds of many homebuyers today. According to a study by the Consumer Technology Association, nearly 69% of U.S. households already own a smart home device. This growing trend is driven by the desire for convenience, security, and energy efficiency.

And what do today’s new home buyers have in mind as they peruse your product brochures? Let’s take a look.

Convenience and Control: Smart home devices offer unparalleled convenience. Homebuyers are drawn to the idea of controlling lighting, climate, security systems, and even appliances with a simple voice command or a few taps on their smartphones. This level of control enhances their daily living experience, making their home a reflection of their desired lifestyle.

Security and Peace of Mind: Security is a top priority for homeowners today, and today’s smart home tech offers a variety of robust solutions. Features such as smart locks, doorbell cameras, and security systems allow homeowners to monitor their property remotely and receive instant alerts of any suspicious activity. This peace of mind can be a significant selling point.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: As more buyers become environmentally conscious, energy-efficient homes are in high demand. Smart thermostats, lighting systems, and energy management solutions help reduce utility bills and minimize the home’s carbon footprint. Highlighting these benefits can make your homes more attractive to today’s eco-conscious buyers.

Crafting The Ideal Smart Home Bundle

To capitalize on the appeal of the latest smart home technology, consider offering a comprehensive bundle as part of your overall package. The ideal bundle most suited to your target buyer could include a curated  collection of today’s most sought-after features. Here’s a suggested checklist to get you started:

  1. Smart Thermostats: Devices like the Nest Thermostat or Ecobee SmartThermostat, which allow homeowners to control their heating and cooling systems remotely and learn their preferences over time can satisfy your buyers’ desires to optimize energy use and reduce costs, without sacrificing comfort.
  2. Smart Lighting: Systems like Philips Hue or LIFX offer customizable lighting solutions that can be controlled via smartphone or voice command. These systems can also integrate with other smart devices for a seamless home automation experience.
  3. Smart Security: Include smart locks such as August Smart Lock or Schlage Encode, doorbell cameras like Ring Video Doorbell, and a comprehensive security system that includes sensors and alarms. These devices provide the kind of robust security and peace of mind today’s home buyers will stretch their budgets for.
  4. Smart Appliances: High-tech appliances from brands like Samsung or LG, that offer smart refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines, which can be controlled remotely and provide status updates, make ordinary household chores easier and more efficient than ever
  5. Voice Assistants: Integrating voice assistants such as Amazon Echo or Google Nest Hub to serve as the central control hub for all smart devices can provide homeowners with a convenient and intuitive way to manage their entire smart home ecosystem.

“Selling The Sizzle”

Ok, so you’ve put together a package of way cool smart home features you can show off to your prospects. Now how do you present your bundle so prospective buyers can’t see purchasing a new home from anyone but you?

To effectively “sell the sizzle” of your smart home tech bundles, you’ll want to translate features into the unique benefits they offer and how they enhance the overall homeownership experience. Here are a few strategies to consider:

Emphasize Convenience and Integration: Highlight how your smart home tech bundle simplifies daily living, and integrates seamlessly into the homeowner’s lifestyle. Use demonstrations and interactive displays in your model homes to show potential buyers how easy it is to control their home with the smart devices you offer.

Showcase Energy Savings: Provide clear examples and case studies that demonstrate the energy savings potential of your smart home tech bundle. Use charts and graphs to illustrate how smart thermostats and lighting systems can significantly reduce utility bills, appealing to cost-conscious buyers.

Promote Security Features: Emphasize the enhanced security provided by smart locks, doorbell cameras, and security systems. Share testimonials and success stories from homeowners who have benefited from these features, reinforcing their value.

Create Virtual Tours and Interactive Experiences: Today it’s easier than ever to create virtual tours of your homes, allowing potential buyers to experience your smart home bundle conveniently on their phone or computer. Interactive online tools and augmented reality apps can also help buyers visualize how each smart device makes life in a home they buy from you so much more easy and enjoyable.

Getting Your Team Up To Speed

For your smart home tech bundles to be a hot selling point, your sales team needs to be well-versed in the technology and confident in communicating its benefits. Here are some steps to ensure your team is well prepared:

Product Knowledge Training: Provide comprehensive training on each smart device included in the bundle. Ensure your sales team understands how each device works, its benefits, and how it integrates with other devices.

Hands-On Demonstrations: Equip your sales team with demo units and encourage them to use the technology themselves. Personal experience with the devices will enable them to provide authentic, relatable insights to potential buyers.

Sales Script Development: Develop sales scripts that highlight the key benefits of each feature you offer in your smart home tech bundle. These scripts should address common buyer questions and objections, providing clear and persuasive responses.

Regular Updates: The smart home technology landscape is constantly evolving. Keep your sales team informed and updated with the latest advancements and new product releases to ensure they remain knowledgeable and confident when pitching to prospects.

Leveraging Partnerships

To further enhance the value of your smart home tech bundle, consider forming partnerships with leading smart home tech vendors. These alliances can offer several advantages:

Exclusive Offers and Discounts: Partnering with tech companies can provide access to exclusive offers and discounts, making your bundles more attractive and cost-effective for buyers.

Enhanced Support and Service: Collaboration with tech providers can ensure that your buyers receive top-notch support and service for their smart home devices, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction. And remember, happy buyers are more likely to enthusiastically share their experience with everyone they know, increasing your company’s circle of influence and new leads from referrals.

Joint Marketing Efforts: Work with your partners on joint marketing campaigns that highlight the combined benefits of your new homes and their smart home technology. This can expand your reach and attract a broader audience, thus keeping your costs down, and increasing your marketing return on investment.

A Few Final Thoughts

Incorporating a smart home technology bundle into your company’s product line is a powerful strategy to outsell the competition.

By emphasizing the convenience, security, and energy efficiency these technologies provide, you can create a compelling value proposition for today’s homebuyers. With a well-trained sales team and strategic partnerships, you can leverage this hidden goldmine to boost your sales and build long-lasting relationships with satisfied homeowners.

Ready to explore how smart home tech bundles can transform your sales strategy? We’d LOVE to show you how!

At SalesSolveEverything, we can support you with training, coaching, and innovative solutions to help you grow your sales in today’s hyper-competitive selling environment. Give us a call at 888-738-4040 or visit SalesSolveEverything.com and discover how you can take your sales to a whole new level today.

Together, let’s harness the power of today’s smart home technology to stand out in your market as clearly the best choice for anyone purchasing a new home.


What questions do you have about leveraging today’s smart home features to increase your sales?

Let us know in the comments below and we’ll do our best to help you take full advantage of this potentially powerful strategy!

Published by Chance Dorsey
New Home Sales Expert Helping Homebuilders Grow Sales With Sales Solve Everything’s Proven Process
Companies with sales enablement in place experienced a 15.3% higher win rate for their forecasted deals compared to those without.